Monday, June 22, 2015

What is the Ideal Living Situation for Two People in a Relationship?


When two people become a couple whether straight or gay, what is the ideal living situation? There are times in a relationship when the couple couldn’t just get enough of each other and want to spend most of their time together especially at the early part of the relationship. For some romantics, if they could live within the same skin as the person they love, they would.

But the real question remains, what is the ideal living situation?

Should they maintain their own place together? Is it rushing things if they do? Should they practice the getting-to-know each other phase before doing so? This is co-dependency.

The in-between. Two people still maintain separate house but do sleep overs. The one that indicates intimacy in a relationship but still connotes individualities. Is it ideal to leave things in your partner’s house to signify attachment? Is it ideal to maintain two separate houses in case of a meltdown between partners?

And lastly, the old school type. No attachment. Living separately and practicing tradition of marriage first before intimacy.

What are you up to? What is your preference?

Personally, I do not give a heck as long as you are with the person you truly love. It wouldn’t matter whether you live together or apart. What is important is you know the value of each other and that is what matters most.

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